Friday, January 4, 2013

The Glass Is Half Full

Usually around my birthday in August and the first of the year I begin to think about life.  You know the thoughts most of us have: Where has the year gone; Did I do the things I wanted to do; Was there much to show for one more year of life.

But today suddenly the direction of my thoughts switched from regret to the half full side of things.  I'm not sure if this had anything to do with the quick read of a few pages of the book Who Switched Off My Brain Bye Dr Caroline Leaf, but there it was.  My mind turned over the year and these are the good things that I found
  1. A family relationship that I thought beyond repair was mended
  2. I started my own business and things have been great
  3. No debt
  4. I took a wonderful vacation to the beach
  5. I was able to encourage a few younger ladies with my past mistakes so that they could avoid some of the heart ache that I wasn't able to miss
  6. And although I have lost some friendships I have been able to make some new ones that might turn out to be life long friends.
Today reminded me that how I CHOOSE to see things is up to me.  I don't need to be fake and plaster on a smile, but I don't want to be blind and miss the good stuff either.  Who knows if this year will be all that I hope for. . . but last year gave me some amazing things that I didn't imagine could take place either.

I want to overcome the past and fully enjoy the future, so I'm taking a deep breath as I welcome 2013 and all the possibilities that it brings.